World Religions

I make a lot of promises to myself, and I keep only some of them…

But I generally do pretty well with promises I make to other people.

So, as promised, the 1st of 2 new book reviews.

As a part of my book reviewing privilege with Bethany House Publishers, I received one of the most interesting, factual books that I have ever had. It wasn’t just a book that I chose on a whim, it was one that I was really hoping would be good, and it delivered!

So often, either while talking with others, or watching TV, etc., I find myself with questions about another religion. I am a Bible college graduate, and was taught a lot about other religions while in school, but at times, the information can get jumbled, so a handy reference tool can be very, well, handy!

Garry R. Morgan wrote the book Understanding World Religions in 15 Minutes a Day. It consists of 40 short chapters, 2 of which explain what religion is and why we should study it, and then 38 that explain religions that are claimed by people around the world. In the authors’ own words, “This book endeavors to present each religion in a straightforward way, so that a reader who is a follower while perhaps disagreeing with certain assessments, would say the description is truthful and fair.” I believe he accomplished his goal. From reading the book, and learning a little along the way about the author, I believe he is a born-again believer in Christ as the giver of salvation by faith alone. However, he is fair, accurate, and informational in his descriptions of other religions.

Although I am a Christian, a born-again believer myself, I know more and more the older that I get, the importance of knowing the beliefs of others. We need to be adequately equipped with the right Scriptures to reach people who are struggling with wrong beliefs. This book is an excellent tool in helping us understand the basics of every religion from Islam to Transcendental Meditation. (Also, understanding that some deem “religion” to mean something different than himself, for the basis of this book, the author defined religion as: “an organized system of beliefs that answers ultimate questions and commends certain actions or behaviors based on the answers to those questions.”)

This book fulfills its’ promise to educate in 15 minutes a day. It is not an in-depth, dragged out study of any particular religion. It’s the bones, perfect for a “give it to me in small pieces” mind like mine. Check it out sometime!

 All in all, one of my favorite books that I have received so far through the book reviewer program (where I receive the book for free from Bethany House Publishers, read the book, review it & then get to keep it! The opinions written are totally mine.)


Understanding World Religions in 15 Minutes a Day: Learn the basics of:   Islam  Buddhism  Hinduism  Mormonism  Christianity  And many more...


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